Thursday, August 11, 2016

What I Learned from My Grandson

The last year has been a whirlwind. We moved from Boulder, CO, to Lakewood, CA, and our grandson was born. He recently had his first birthday—a time to reflect over his first year. My wife and I were in the delivery room, and I have seen him almost every day since. When our daughter went back to work after her maternity leave, we became primary child care during the week. Rather than a burden, this turned out to be a joy. As I mentioned to my wife, I know my grandson better at this age than I did any of our three kids at this age because I was working full time when our kids were born and now I’m retired.
So what have I learned this last year? Plenty. I hope I have helped our grandson develop, but what follows are some of the lessons he has taught me.
Value of a Smile
Our grandson has a huge smile. Sure he has his grumpy moments, but most times when he wakes up from a nap or greats us at the door, he gives us a grandparent-heart-warming smile. And he isn’t faking it. He’s a happy kid who likes to share his happiness. He has taught me that greeting life with a smile is preferable to being a grump.


Patricia Stoltey said...

I love this, Mike. And your story is a great one for all of us to remember. I know that just one smile from a stranger can lift my spirits if I'm down in the dumps, so I try to spread my smiles around every chance I get. You never know who might need one.

Mike Befeler, author of geezer-lit and paranormal mysteries said...

Pat, Absolutely. It makes a huge difference