Thursday, August 26, 2021

Dealing with a Medical Emergency

I have not posted lately because I’m dealing with a knee infection. I’ve been in two hospitals and am now home with antibiotic treatment. It just goes to show you can be blindsided with a medical condition. I had knee replacement surgery two years ago, and I woke up one morning with pain, swelling, a hot knee and inability to bend my knee. I ended up going in for surgery to clean out the knee and will be on antibiotics for six weeks. It certainly made me appreciate the good health I had recently experienced and the support of my family and friends.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

End of Summer

As the end of summer approaches, I have mixed emotions. I’ve enjoyed the many summer activities with our 6-year-old grandson, but now anticipate hearing about his experiences in first grade, which begins Aug. 31. This was supposed to be the summer to make significant gains against the pandemic, but unfortunately that was not to be. Still, I look forward to fall as things cool off, and hopefully more people will get vaccinated to protect everyone.