Thursday, December 28, 2023

The New Year

I have a lot happening in the first half of the new year on the book front. In March my historical mystery novel, Murder in the Museo Kircheriano, will be published by Mystic Publishers, and in April the third book in the Omnipodge Trilogy, A Mystery Yarn, will be published by Encircle Publications. I have two presentations to book clubs in January and will attend the Left Coast Crime Conference in the Seattle area in April.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Violin Concert

Our 8-year-old grandson participated in his first third-grade violin concert this week. Every Tuesday the kids practice on the violin, and this was the first time to show their families the results.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Snowball Effect

One of the things I like about doing author events is the snowball effect. A recent example is that I attended Men of Mystery in November in Long Beach, CA. As a result, I’ve been invited to two book clubs to give presentations in January, one of which selected one of my books for their monthly read.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Christmas Tree Decorated

This week we got out Christmas tree decorated with the able assistance of our grandson. We listened to Christmas music and put ornaments on the tree. A fun project.