Thursday, October 26, 2023

Cover Picture for Murder in the Museo Kircheriano

I have a historical mystery novel titled, Murder in the Museo Kircheriano, which will be published by Mystic Publishers in March, 2024. Here’s a short blurb: Under the backdrop of the Vatican in the mid seventeenth century and its many political factions, Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher, his assistant Filippo, and recent convert Queen Christina of Sweden work to find a murderer. With every intrigue uncovered the mystery grows and the body count piles up—but the trio will not be stopped. The drip, drip, drip of clues eventually leads to not only who committed the crime, but why.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Third Grade Homework

Most school days I pick up our eight-year-old grandson after school. He stays at our house until his mom or dad comes to get him later in the afternoon. The order of business when he arrives is snack, homework and then play. His teacher gives him a list of homework topics that include reading an article and summarizing it, going on the computer for a reading and math exercise and then reading a book of his choice for twenty minutes. This takes about fifty minutes. I can’t remember having homework when I was in third grade, but then again, I’m an old guy.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Good News

I’ve just signed a contract for a middle grade mystery novel. The title is The Adventures of Sure Luck Holmes. Sure Luck is an amateur detective in the fifth grade in the fictional California town of Londonberry. The narrator and his assistant is his friend Johanna Watson. Sure Luck gets his nickname from solving cases often by luck but not exactly getting the solution right.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Short Stories

When I started writing in 2001, I wrote a number of short stories. Since then, I’ve primarily written novel length stories, but periodically, I write a short story when an idea strikes me. I’ve had more novels published than short stories, but I still enjoy both types of writing.