Thursday, February 17, 2022

Meet the New Authors Breakfast at the Left Coast Crime Conference

I have the honor of hosting the Meet the New Author Breakfast at the Left Coast Crime Conference in Albuquerque on Friday, April 8. I will be introducing 23 authors who will give a one minute pitch on the most important thing readers should know about their debut mystery novel. This is a tradition that has been taking place at each Left Coast Crime Conference since 2008.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Speaking to an ESL Class

I had the opportunity last week to speak to an English as a Second Language (ESL) class via Zoom. I gave a presentation about my writing journey and then opened it up for questions. I received excellent and thoughtful questions and enjoyed the discussion with the students.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Getting Ready for a Book Launch

I’m getting ready for the release of my humorous mystery novel, Old Detectives Home, in April. Now that the edits are complete and the publisher has designed the cover, I need to prepare for my promotional activities. Once the publication date is set, I’ll send out an email notification to my list of interested readers. I’ll also, with the assistance of my graphic artist daughter-in-law, have a postcard produced for mailing to my snail mail list of interested readers. This will also serve as handouts at conferences such as the upcoming Left Coast Crime Conference. I’ll also finalize dates at three bookstores within driving distance to do a book talk and signing. Finally, I’ll complete a new presentation to give at bookstores, libraries, book groups and service organizations.