Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fiction Writing As Entertainment

Writing a novel provides a form of entertainment for readers. We are story tellers. I pick subjects that I’m interested in, and it’s my job to write an exciting plot with fascinating characters. If I can provide entertainment, joy, laughter while taking the reader out of daily troubles, I will have achieved my goal.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Joy of Creating

Many creative activities can provide joy to the creator and the recipient of the creation. A painter starts with a blank canvas and creates a painting. A sculptor starts with stone and creates a sculpture. A musician creates a sheet of music. An inventor starts with an idea and ends with an invention. As writers, we start with a blank sheet of paper or a blank screen and then create a manuscript. Through all the trials and tribulations, we writers have the opportunity to enjoy the creative writing process.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Importance of Editing

A lesson I’ve learned is that a writer needs to have an independent editor. After I go through many passes of editing, I still need an expert with an outside perspective to edit my work.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Another Observation as an Author

One other thing I’ve learned about being an author. It’s a lonely avocation. It’s just the writer and the pen or keyboard creating a story. On the other hand, there are ample opportunities to interact with readers through conferences and speaking engagements. Although many writers are introverts, we learn to speak out and present ourselves to the public. I attend mystery conferences such as Left Coast Crime and Bouchercon. I enjoy speaking at book clubs, libraries, service organizations and bookstores.