Saturday, July 12, 2008

One Writing Approach

As I’ve met other writers, the one thing I’ve learned about writing approaches is that everyone is different. I’m a morning person and like to write early in the day. While I had a full time job, I came across The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Julia describes a concept called “morning pages” which entails writing three handwritten pages first thing every morning. This is a way to jump start your creative juices. These morning pages can be anything: a shopping list, your journal, or whatever you choose to write. I used this technique to write three pages of whatever novel I was writing at the time. I’d review where I left off the day before and then write the next three pages before going to work. That evening when I got home from my day job, I’d enter them into the computer, doing an editing job along the way. The three handwritten pages became two typed pages. If you stick with this technique and do the math, in 150 days you’ll have the rough draft for a 300 page novel.

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