Saturday, November 7, 2009

Create Our Future

Yesterday I attended the Create Our Future celebration in Boulder County, Colorado. Create Our Future is a strategic planning initiative to create a vibrant community where we all age well. We brainstormed on ideas of what we needed by the time we reached eighty-five to be able to stay in our community. This included proposals for easy access to transportation, assistance to be able to stay in our homes and opportunities to be involved in the community. The keynote speech given by a Colorado state representative described how a study has shown that the largest factor in reducing hospital readmissions is for patients to be involved in their own follow up care. I had attended a lecture earlier in the week on Alzheimer’s Disease. The recommendations to help reduce the onset and effects of dementia included physical exercise, mental exercise, good diet, sleeping well, socializing and reducing stress. As we age, the more we can contribute to our own good health and stay active and involved, the better chance we have to create a personal future that remains positive.

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