Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tidbits from the Left Coast Crime Conference

Now that I’m home from the Left Coast Crime Conference that took place in Portland, I’ve had a chance to look through my notes. Here are some tidbits for you.

One panelist stated that a writing career is like a climbing wall. It’s not straight up. It’s up, over, down, over, up, etc.

Since I have a non-fiction book coming out soon about a World War II veteran, I appreciated a comment made: “Who doesn’t love to learn about World War II.”

I liked this statement: “In academia, the fights are so ferocious because the stakes are so small.”

As authors we’re always told to “show don’t tell.” One panelist modified this to “tell the boring parts and show the exciting parts.”

Another stated: “The key to being a writer is a healthy dose of self-delusion.”

We often hear about developing a strong voice. An important distinction was made on one panel that there are two connotations for voice. One is to distinguish specific characters. The other is the unique voice of the author.

One author received the following feedback on a manuscript: Everything looked good except for the need to make the protagonist more likeable, improve the mystery and tune up the writing.
Here are some of the people in the audience at the Meet the New Author Breakfast that I moderated:
It was an excellent conference and I celebrated afterwards by going to Disneyland with my wife, son, daughter-in-law and two grandkids.

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