Thursday, April 26, 2018

An Author Expressing Political. Views

I’m on Facebook and often express my political views, as well as posting about writing, my grandkids and walks I take. I follow people who also share their political views. As an author, this can be a two-edged sword. Some authors find that they lose Facebook “friends” who disagree with their views. I had this one response recently that I will share here: “I really like your books. I had wanted to follow you on Facebook, but was kind of worried when I saw you live in California, then I saw your posts. You can keep Nancy Pelosi and we will keep Trump! I do like your books, just wish I could like you.”

I “liked” this post because I enjoyed the comment but to set the record straight also responded with this reply: “I like people of different political persuasions, just ask my son-in-law who often posts opposing opinions. That's the great thing about our country: we have different views. It would be too dull if we all thought the same way. I'm glad you enjoy my books.”

I then sent a friend request to this person. I don’t know if it will be accepted, but what I stated is how I feel.

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