Thursday, May 28, 2020

Learning Together with a Four-year-old

I’ve not been bored during the stay-at-home period. The reason: my wife and I take care of our four-year-old grandson every weekday while his parents work. His preschool got cancelled in March, but he now meets with his teacher on Zoom three mornings a week for an hour or so to practice reading, writing, arithmetic and geography. What I have particularly enjoyed is his insatiable curiosity and the fascinating questions he asks. One major area of his interest lately has been large sea creatures. One topic has been whales with a focus on blue whales since they are the largest. He also heard about the megaladon, an ancient large shark. Together we do research on the Internet to answer his questions. I may not have all the answers, but I can find them. At the beach last week, he found a whale-shaped rock. This is now a prominent part of his rock collection.  

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