Thursday, October 14, 2021

Reviewing My Writing Journey

I’ve been thinking about my writing journey lately. It all began in 2001 when I was 56-years-old. One evening I was sitting in my easy chair in the living room and reviewed things that I had enjoyed doing during my life. It included building model airplanes when I was a kid, writing and painting. The common denominator: they were all creative. It was that evening that I decided to prepare myself to retire into writing. First step: I signed up for a fiction writing course at the University of Colorado (we lived in Boulder, CO, at the time). I had learned that anyone older than 55 could sign up for courses for free with the instructor’s permission. I took two semesters of fiction writing to jump start my new ambition. In these courses we wrote short stories and critiqued each others’ work. As a result, I began sending short stores off to magazines and anthologies, I’m happy to report that on my 112th submission I sold a story titled, “New Trust a Poison Dart Frog,” in an anthology “Who Died in Here?” that was a collections of short stories with a death or a murder taking place . . . in the bathroom.

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