Thursday, September 12, 2024

Different Writing Approaches During My Writing Career

I began writing in 2001 when I was 56 years old. At the time I was still working, so I adapted a technique from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist Way, called morning pages. I would review where I had left off the day before and write three handwritten pages first thing every morning. When I got home from work, I’d transcribe these pages into my computer. This is how I wrote my first four published novels. Then when I retired in 2007, I wrote directly into the computer every morning that I wasn’t doing a family activity or book event. This resulted in completed manuscripts for approximately thirty books. Then in 2015 when we moved back to Southern California from Colorado, I shifted into another phase. Since then, I have written a few new manuscripts but have mainly focused on editing my portfolio of completed manuscripts and getting a number of them published.

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