Monday, September 19, 2011


I’m still recovering after returning yesterday from the Bouchercon Conference, the largest mystery conference in the US. Here are some of the sound bites that I enjoyed:
- When a bullet riddled body was found, someone in law enforcement commented, “I think he lost his will to live.”
- Dan Hawkins stated, “Humor, magic and mystery have in common that things go in one direction and then you’re yanked in the other direction.”
- Author Hank Phillippi Ryan commenting on her news investigation career mentioned an intern who asked, “Can you tell me how to skip the boring parts and just get to being famous?”
- On a panel about evil, a panelist commented, “You can choose the sin but not the consequences.”
- A panelist quoted Agatha Christie in saying, “An archeologist is the best husband; the older you get, the more interested he is.”
- A term I had not heard before: Thrillzy for a combination of thriller and cozy.
- A book publisher stated, “Amazon will find it a little more difficult to be a book publisher than they expected.”
- Author Brad Parks stated, “Writing is performing on the page.”
A great conference, but after conferences two weeks in a row I’m ready for a break. Oh yeah, I’ll need to wait one more week since I’m doing two book launch events next weekend.

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