Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Latest e-book

I recently uploaded the third book in my Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series, Senior Moments Are Murder, to the various e-book sources. The first two books in my series have been up for a while since my publisher had no restrictions on e-book distribution for those. For Senior Moments Are Murder and my upcoming Cruising in Your Eighties Is Murder, my publisher has a one-year moratorium before I can publish in e-book format. That year has passed for Senior Moments Are Murder. Having done it twice before, the e-book publishing process is straight forward. I follow the instructions on the Kindle, Nook and Smashwords sites. The whole process including three up loads and reviewing the loaded manuscripts took me less than three hours. The hardest part of the process is deciding on pricing. I’ve priced all my e-books at $3.99. With Smashwords you can select what e-book sources to distribute to. I distribute to all except Kindle and Nook since I do that directly myself. My books are available as hard cover, large print, audio book and e-book editions. However readers chose to read my book is fine with me.

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