Thursday, July 14, 2016

Change and Transformation

We live in a world of change.  Innovation and disruption impact all we do.  Some people embrace change and others resist it, seeking to maintain the status quo.  Too much change puts constant stress on people and systems, and lack of change can lead to stagnation and death.

Ultimately change is about finding a balance.  Growth is change, learning is change, survival is change.  But change just for the sake of change can be counter-productive.  As human beings, we need to adapt over time, but there is also a need for a home-base, a place of quiet and consistency to give us strength for dealing with the next onslaught of change.

Transformation is a form of change that inherently exists in life.  A caterpillar becomes a chrysalis becomes a butterfly.  A baby becomes a child becomes a teenager becomes an adult becomes an older person.  We begin weak, gain strength and end up weak again. We learn to crawl, then walk, but end up shuffling or in a wheelchair.  Corn becomes a popcorn kernel becomes popped popcorn.  A seed becomes a plant becomes a dead stalk.

Life and death include the processes of transformation and change.

We can look at this and say change is good (growth and development) or bad (death and decay), but change is neutral.  It just is.  The renewal process and evolution of species are all aspects of change.

So much depends on our attitude toward change--how we embrace it or fight it.

True, change can lead to improvement or decline.  A corporation can transform into a more successful company or one that goes out of business.

Change as adaptation is necessary, but change of successful survival techniques can be detrimental.

My advice to myself: find a golden mean of change, the necessary balance between growth and a stable base.


Ruth said...

People don’t like change. They like the status quo, and they don’t feel comfortable if
things are going to be different. Think about the little things that happen in your own life. You enjoy the predictability in most things. There is a certain level of comfort when you know, or think you know, what’s going to happen next.

Mike Befeler, author of geezer-lit and paranormal mysteries said...

Ruth, very true. When we moved to Southern California after 39 years in Boulder, CO, it was a big change. It took us a while to get our routines down but having a new grandson helped. That kind of change is terrific.