Thursday, August 15, 2019

Short Stories

When I began writing in 2001, I started with short stories. Living in Boulder, CO, where the University of Colorado is located, I learned that the university allowed anyone over fifty-five years of age to take classes for free with the instructor’s permission. I availed myself of this opportunity and took two semesters of fiction writing. In these courses we wrote short stories and critiqued each other’s work. Next, I decided to get some of these short stories published. After 111 rejections, I sold my first short story. Along the way, I also switched over to novel writing. I have periodically written short stories, but the majority of my writing has been focused on novel-length manuscripts. I have published a handful of short stories but sixteen books.

The other morning I awoke from a dream with an idea for a short story. I sat down that morning and wrote a first draft. That’s one of the beauties of short stories. I can often flesh it out in one sitting. Then I went through a number of revision passes. It’s now complete.

I will continue to write short stories. They are a challenge to write crisply and concisely. But my major writing goal is to continue to have novels published.

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