Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Importance of a Positive Attitude

I've learned in dealing with adversity that I have 4 alternatives: I can change my situation, change my attitude, suffer, or get out. As I'm recuperating from my third surgery on my left knee with one more surgery to go this summer, I've been testing these four alternatives. I'm not going to suffer; if it gets too bad I have pain meds. I'm not going to get out through suicide. But here are two small examples of changing the situation and changing my attitude.

Change the situation: I kept knocking things off my nightstand or misplacing them. Simple solution: I reorganized my nightstand and put some items in the drawer below.

 Change attitude: when I first came home from the hospital my attitude was I HAVE TO brush my teeth and shave. Now my attitude is I GET TO brush my teeth so my mouth will feel fresh and I GET TO shave so I won't have a scratchy face. I’ve had my ups and downs, but I’ve learned a positive attitude is key when dealing with adversity.


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