Saturday, July 6, 2013

Serendipity and the Internet

When doing research on the Internet, I never know what I’m going to find. Sometimes nothing, but most often some lead to follow. Once in a while there is a big surprise.

I’m currently writing the biography of a 94-year-old man who was a soldier in the Battle of the Bulge, captured by the Germans, spent time in two German prisoner-of-war camps before being liberated by the Russians.

While interviewing him, he mentioned the high school he had graduated from in 1937. I decided to do some research on the school, googled the name and found a Wikipedia article. I read through it to get some background, which coincided with what I had been told.

Then I noticed four references in the article. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Three referred to the graduating class of 1937. When I clicked on these references, up popped a class picture, a banner with pictures of all the students and teachers, and the program from the graduation ceremony.

I’ve printed these, and he’s going to be surprised when we next get together.

What examples of serendipity have you experienced?

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