Thursday, February 27, 2020

Book Groups

I belong to three book groups Two of these read a variety of books, and one is a mystery book group for which we each select a book to report on. I have had the opportunity to speak to a number of book groups both in person and through conference calls or Skype calls.

On Thursday March 5, I’ll be speaking to a book group at the Foothills Ranch Library, 27002 Cabriole, Foothills Ranch, CA, at 10:30 am. The title of my presentation is, “Becoming an Author Has No Expiration Date” about my experience starting to write later in life and writing about older characters.


Pamela Wight said...

That sounds like a great idea! I teach several writing classes in different communities, and many of my students are 60 and over. I've shared your books with them - for inspiration.

Mike Befeler, author of geezer-lit and paranormal mysteries said...

Thanks, Pamela. Most of the book groups I speak to have older readers